The emergence of the free-standing laser clinic to treat pain.
As a separate clinic or add-on modality, laser treatment is easy in its start-up and administration, making the laser therapy clinic a massive opportunity.
It hasn’t been that long since chiropractors were limited to spinal adjustments and maybe hot and cold packs. Fortunately, this has changed drastically in most states. Chiropractors can now specialize in weight loss, spinal decompression, electrical modalities, and other forms of physical therapy in order to help our patients feel better and lead more productive lives — including the laser clinic to treat pain.
One of the biggest breakthroughs in patient care has been the introduction of class iv laser therapy. This remarkable treatment has taken health care literally light years ahead of other forms of additional care. It is fast to administer, painless, and has reproducible and predictable results. Very few other modalities can do the same.
Laser can turn around a practice
A stand-alone laser clinic offers many advantages. First, it is what it is — a stand-alone laser pain center. The basics are the same, such as paperwork, exam, X-rays if needed, and report of findings. Most practitioners recommend a treatment plan of 10-14 visits, and substantial relief is often found in just a few sessions. The care plan is done in order to get maximum photobiomodulation and rehabilitation. With laser therapy, practitioners have found that follow-through rates are typically amazing with a high percentage of patients completing the treatment plans, and most patients rescheduled for additional visits at least once a month. This form of treatment really has no “selling” and compliance is generally much easier.
Therapist assistance
Another major factor of the stand-alone laser pain clinic is that a therapist can handle nearly everything. Once the initial workup is done, the therapist or medical assistant can the complete treatment program. The doctor doesn’t need to do much of anything but check progress and say hello. Patients like the treatment because they actually feel something — and it is very fast, painless, and results come quickly.
One of the most important features of the stand-alone laser pain center is the ROI or return on investment. Most centers can be small, comfortable, and affordable; payment is usually higher than what one is paid for a chiropractic adjustment — and in less time, with less physical work. Some clinics have two therapy rooms and two full-time laser therapists. Most practices usually can see 20 or more laser-only patients a day, plus another group of chiropractic patients with laser therapy combined.
The laser clinic and class IV lasers
The most successful clinics opt for class 4 laser therapy over other less-powerful lasers (i.e., Class II lasers, Class III lasers, or cold lasers). Patients thoroughly enjoy the warming sensation of the class IV laser. Indeed, many patients have the same complaint with cold lasers, “If I can’t feel it, I don’t think anything is being done.” Plus, treatment times are tremendously faster, administering more joules of healing energy into a location up to 10 times faster than other lower laser classifications.
Cash based practice
Most successful clinics tell their patients up front that laser therapy is not covered by insurance and it would be a cash payment. Surprisingly, this is usually met with little to no resistance. Even if you don’t want a free-standing building, you can add laser therapy in your clinic. Offering class iv laser therapy can set you apart from everyone else.
Laser therapy can be a huge help and benefit for you, your patients, and your clinic’s income. Once you learn how, your results and monetary rewards will come.