The leadership team at Medray Laser and Technology understands the challenges chiropractors face because we were founded by one. 

Adding innovative treatment equipment isn’t always easy. Rising costs have left many practices cash-strapped, even though more than 35 million Americans frequent chiropractors to alleviate pain and discomfort and help them heal faster.

That’s why we engineer, manufacture, and distribute affordable Class IV laser devices. These devices allow chiropractic care providers to treat patients quickly and efficiently. If you struggle to schedule community members during peak office hours, Class IV laser therapy equipment may be the solution. It’s our mission to ensure that chiropractors with cash-based practices are able to invest in new revenue streams, offer their patients cutting edge services, and continue to grow their businesses without being gouged on prices for life-changing laser therapy devices.

How a Class IV Therapeutic Laser Benefits Patients

A high-quality Class IV laser delivers deep penetration cell stimulation and encourages the body to heal itself more quickly. Class IV laser treatments can reduce injury or surgery recuperation times in a fast and effective manner. These are benefits your patients will enjoy when integrating a next-generation laser into your therapy options:

  • Improved Tissue Healing
  • Greater Pain and Discomfort Reduction
  • Better Joint Flexibility and Range of Motion
  • Decrease Symptoms of Arthritis and Other Joint Conditions
  • Minimize Muscle Pain, Tightness, and Spasms

Your patients may also notice a marked improvement in blood circulation around the treated area. Most of all, chiropractic practices that invest in a Class IV therapy laser improve the quality of life of everyday people.

Many chiropractors and their ailing patients are initially surprised by how little time Class IV laser treatment requires to achieve meaningful results. Depending on the condition, injury, or recovery prognosis, patients can spend as little as 5 to 15 minutes undergoing a hands-free Class IV laser treatment and some patients immediately notice that the area feels different than before the treatment. As a hot laser, the warming effect that stimulates the cells and blood flow is readily noticeable, with reduced pain that will encourage patients to return and continue to improve.

Why a Medray Class IV Laser is a Cost-Effective Investment

It’s not uncommon for people who possess a caregiving personality to become chiropractors. The idea that ailing members of your city or town will schedule an appointment and leave feeling better makes the education, training, and effort to start a small business worthwhile. But the business end can prove stressful when you know there are advanced technologies available that would better serve your patients and business. Our portable Class IV laser options certainly fit the bill, and chiropractors who have integrated a Medray Class IV laser can attest to that fact.

Unfortunately, too many chiropractic care operations shy away from running the numbers on Class IV laser cost because many of the aggressively marketed products are outside of their price range. Big brands are charging upwards of $35,000 or more for equipment that could be sold for a fraction of the price. At Medray, we have an industry-leading Class IV laser for sale in the $15,000 to $17,000 range.

When chiropractors see a brand new Class IV laser for sale at that price, they usually want to know why it’s so inexpensive. After all, the adage that “you get what you pay for” typically holds true. The fact of the matter is that you do get what you pay for when investing in a Medray Class IV laser. You’re just not paying more than these products are actually worth. Keep in mind that big corporations are not timid about inflating the cost of their products for the sole purpose of swelling their profit margins and sending dividend checks to shareholders.

Medray Laser and Technology remains an agile organization dedicated to providing the highest quality Class IV laser equipment at an affordable price. Our mission is to expand the accessibility of Class IV laser therapies to both chiropractors and their patients by creating a budget-friendly solution for chiropractic offices. By integrating our next-generation laser technology, you’ll be able to see more of your ailing community members and provide the pain relief and healing they deserve.

Medray Produces Industry-Leading Class IV Chiropractic Lasers

At Medray Laser and Technology, we are pragmatic people who create products that help heal everyday people. If you are a chiropractic professional who would like to expand your patient list and deliver fast, exceptionally effective laser treatments, Medray has three portable Class IV laser therapy devices. To learn more, contact Medray today.