Medray stands out in laser technology. Let’s explore what sets our Class 4 Lasers apart from the competition.

Easy and Efficient Training

Everything you need to use your Medray Class IV Laser on day one with easy preset protocols for treating patients safely and effectively and with strong efficacy. Medray’s Intelitech software is easy to navigate, and you or any of the staff members can begin using it immediately.

Superior Performance vs. Competitors

Many expensive lasers, costing thousands of dollars more, cannot match the power and versatility of the Medray laser. From low level laser therapy to high intensity laser therapy, Medray’s lasers were founded and designed by a doctor to meet the needs of doctors in their day-to-day operation of their practices.

Advanced Adjustment Capabilities

A lower price does not mean lower capabilities. We understand that every patient is different and may require adjustments to the treatment protocols. The Medray class 4 laser allows you to adjust power, wavelenths, and the type of wave (pulses or continuous wave). For more advanced users, you can create custom protocols for certain patients or for certain conditions. Adjustments such as power and chronicity are easily made with a simple press of the touchscreen. This gives you full control over your treatment parameters.

The Benefits of Medray Laser Therapy

1. Increased Circulation and Healing

With each treatment, the laser’s power and energy boost biological circulation. This increase enables more H2O, O2, and nutrients to be delivered to the anoxic areas and sites of injury or inflammation. These steps assist in setting a therapeutic heating zone that tends to minimize muscle spasms, edema, and/or pain associated with the above ailments.

2. Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Laser therapy via Medray reduces inflammation by increasing blood flow, stimulating the lymphatic system, and decreasing the production of substances causing inflammation. This results generally in reduced inflammation, redness, and bruising.

3. Analgesic Effects

Laser therapy reduces pain by suppressing nerve signal transmission over unmyelinated C-fibers. It stimulates the production of peptides such as endorphins and enkephalins from the brain and adrenal glands, effectively treating various conditions. This suppression of nociceptors and increase in simulated threshold typically leads to a significant reduction in pain.

4. Accelerated Tissue Repair and Cell Growth

Light particles easily probe into the human tissue, affecting the rate of cell multiplication and division. This makes it possible for cells to take in nutrients and release waste products faster and, therefore, is recommended with integrative medicine.

A Personal Success Story

Pennsylvania resident Robert D. battled plantar fasciitis for over five years. Traditional treatment options weren’t providing lasting relief, and surgery loomed as a last resort. Thankfully, a ray of hope came from an unexpected source. Robert decided to give laser therapy a try. After just ten treatments, he noticed a remarkable difference. The pain subsided, and he regained the ability to walk comfortably! This non-invasive approach saved Robert from the potential risks and recovery time associated with surgery.


Are you struggling? When all conventional methods have been tried and failed, you can begin to seek other treatments, such as laser therapy. They are designed for you to deliver the most powerful and easy-to-use solutions at the most affordable price. Discover why the lasers powered by Medray are the best choice for your practice.