Chiropractors continue to face economic headwinds due to rising costs, labor shortages, and health insurance companies declining the necessary treatments patients deserve. These and other challenges make it increasingly difficult to raise the revenue needed to onboard the latest equipment and next-gen technologies.

The good news is that laser treatment therapy can be a game-changer at a time when more and more Americans need non-invasive solutions. In 2023, more than 35 million Americans visited one of the country’s nearly 70,000 chiropractors. Although revenue is expected to exceed $20 billion by year’s end, practitioners must adopt innovative laser treatment therapy to enjoy their fair share. Medray Laser and Technology engineers budget-friendly Class IV chiropractor laser equipment that provides fast, cost-effective, and life-changing treatments with minimal training time.

Benefits of Chiropractic Laser Treatment for Patients

Sometimes referred to as “hot laser” or “high-intensity laser” therapy, our Class IV laser technology-based devices stimulate areas to improve recovery time and relieve pain. A tried-and-true approach to quicker recoveries, these high powered lasers have been used to rapidly reduce inflammation and minimize pain, among many other benefits. A recommended accompaniment to other traditional approaches such as spinal decompression. Chiropractic laser treatment delivers the following patient benefits:

  • Promotes Tissue Repair
  • Improves Tissue Healing
  • Reduces Pain and Potential Spasms
  • Helps Maximize Range of Motion and Joint Flexibility
  • Decreases Osteoarthritis Symptoms
  • Provides Peripheral Microcirculation Improvement
  • Eliminates Trigger Points
  • Stimulates Circulation and Immune System
  • Relaxes Tight Muscles
  • Encourages Nerve Regeneration

People often embark on a career in chiropractic care because they have an innate desire to help people alleviate pain and discomfort. Healthcare providers also want to improve community members’ quality of life without invasive surgeries or unnecessary opioids. A Class IV laser delivers on that promise while supporting the financial success a practice needs to thrive.

A Class IV laser has an uncommon design and high power output, transmitting brighter and more robust energy than others in its category. These high-powered lasers allow chiropractors to offer deep-penetrating hands-free treatments to alleviate a wide range of conditions.

They outpace other types by accelerating the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is behind a variety of cell processes found in nerves, muscle tissue, ligaments, and tendons. Some estimate a Class IV laser can generate and deliver 1,500 times the energy of a Class III, greatly reducing on-site treatment times for these and other health problems. Indeed, some have estimated that every 1 minute on a Class IV laser equates to 20 minutes on a Class III laser.

Alleviate Chronic Pain

Class IV lasers provide effective relief for acute and chronic conditions involving knees, rotator cuffs, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, elbows, and tendinitis, among others. The portability makes them ideal for chiropractic offices.

Improve Injury Recovery and Treatment Times

The laser treatment chiropractic care facilities often involve sports injuries and car accidents, among others. A Class IV laser offers substantial reductions in healing time and discomfort for sprains, strains, ligament damage, bursitis, plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow, anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries, tendon sheath inflammation, arthritic knee conditions, and muscle strains, among others.

Reduce Muscle Tension

It’s essential for ailing patients to produce enough collagen to repair damaged myoskeletal and ligamentous structures. Class IV laser technologies accelerate oxygenation and help supply damaged tissue with a vital source of energy. The proven benefits also include stem cell stimulation, cell wall permeability, breaking up calcified fibroblasts, and improved microcirculation.

How Laser Treatment Therapy Benefits a Chiropractic Care Business

A Class IV chiropractic laser treatment can cost-effectively reduce pain and improve the mobility of virtually any joint or muscle tissue. This advanced treatment has also been successfully employed to manage and improve healing outcomes after surgery. 

Offering Class IV laser therapy in your office is an excellent way to add a new, cash-based revenue stream that satisfies the growing demand among patients while enabling you to treat a wider range of conditions than with traditional chiropractic methods alone. You may even consider supplementing it with a second new revenue stream: a radial shockwave therapy device that further expands your treatment possibilities.

Results from treatments with these technologies are noticeable to patients quickly, which can have a powerful impact on patient return rates in comparison to other therapies that require long-term care.

It’s no secret that busy chiropractors need to learn more about the latest laser treatment devices. Rest assured — training is straightforward and you can be successfully operating these devices in minutes for your patients. We also offer a marketing toolkit with every purchase of a laser to streamline the process of rolling out your new service to your patients.

Medray Produces Industry-Leading Class IV Chiropractic Lasers

If you are a chiropractic professional who would like to expand your patient list and deliver fast, exceptionally effective laser treatments, Medray has three portable Class IV laser therapy devices. To learn more, contact Medray today.